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Our Recent Posts


What building sales teams from scratch has taught me
I had the pleasure of remodeling a sales team for the first time almost 8 years ago. Back then, I had the benefit of a VP of sales to...

How to grand-father customers onto newer pricing plans
Most SaaS based organisations will go through multiple iterations of pricing during their lifetime. This means, you are looking at...

How to handle your prospects/customers after a service outage
Ever been in a situation where your services go kaput and you are faced with a barrage of customers/prospects? Well, situations like...

3 software you cannot ignore for your sales process
Sales process design is a challenge. Every SaaS product has its own nuances and specific selling methods that are never the same for each...

Free productivity software for your office
At we believe in investing in software that will increase productivity. Being bootstrapped also means that we don’t...

4 things to do as a customer success leader
We wrote about 4 mistakes that customer success leaders commit when taking charge of a team or building a new one. You can read the blog...

4 mistakes to avoid when managing your customer success team
You finally figured out what you need from your customer success team, but figuring stuff out is just the beginning of the journey that...

How to find the right sales individual
Sales individuals have their unique traits and styles. There is no right or wrong way of selling, any technique that is getting results...

Auditing v Coaching
As manager you are responsible for every communication your team sends out right? Well yes and no. It’s impossible for a manger to keep a...

Gamification for your sales team
The concept of gamification was introduced to motivate teams, measure deliverables and promote healthy competition. A quick search on the...

5 metrics to measure your sales team's success
We wrote a detailed article on how leaders can measure the success of their sales teams in an earlier blog post. Here is the infographic...

Planning on building a sales team? Read this first!
As founder of I had a chance to recently speak to Hubert from the team at SaleS AddA about my thoughts on building a...

The 5 traits of a successful sales individual (infographic)
We spoke about the traits of a successful sales individual in a recent post. Here is the infographic for quick reference.

5 metrics to measure your sales team's progress
Measuring a sales individual’s performance should be a simple task. All you need to do is generate a report that shows you who closed how...

Are you a sales dinosaur? (The inforgraphic)
We spoke at length about being a sales dinosaur in our last blog post. If you are too lazy to read the entire blog post, here is the...
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