4 mistakes that could ruin your call to action
Inbound marketing is primarily reliant on call to actions (CTAs). A well-designed CTA is your best bet at getting contextual leads. Of course, the first step is to make sure you are attracting the right people to your website by building buyer personas.

However, there are some mistakes that might ruin your chances of getting those much-needed conversions. Here is a quick list of common mistakes you should check off immediately.
Your CTA has no thank you page
Not only does a CTA allow you to get a lead, it also allows you the opportunity to point your prospects to other useful parts of your website or even more CTAs.

For example, the moment a website visitor downloads your e-book, you should redirect to a thank you page that also talks about other e-books that you have published.
If your CTA requires manual action, you should make sure that your visitor knows that he will receive his e-book via email and also when.
The second worst thing (after not having a thank you page) you can do is to just use a plane thank you message.
You forgot to disable website navigation
The purpose of a CTA is to make sure that your visitors click/download/activate it. Leaving the website navigation on, gives them a quick exit point from the CTA page.
If you visit our ‘contact us’ page, you will notice that we have disabled website navigation on the ‘contact us’ page. We don't want to trap you on the page, so we have avoided using a complicated pop-up that is hard to exit.
The same would hold good for any e-book that you are offering to your prospects.
Another way of making sure there is no website navigation on the CTA is to offer the CTA as a pop-up on your existing website. This is easily done via a script which greys out any navigation on the browser unless the visitor explicitly clicks on the ‘x’ button.
We have also seen websites that make it really hard to exit the CTA page and you are left figuring out how to exit the pop-up. We don’t recommend being so pushy but if it works for you, best of luck.
Your CTA is hard to find
If you visit our blog, you will find that we have also enabled a subscribe CTA that prompts you to subscribe to our newsletter.
Certain websites make it so hard to find the CTA that we had to literally search for the keyword on the webpage.

Our biggest recommendation is that your CTA should have its own page or pop-up and the link such a page should be easy to find. It could be a well-designed graphic, a link or a button.
Your CTA is everywhere
In contrast to the earlier point, you can also overdo your CTA. Imagine, the blog subscribe pop-up on every page our website! Not only will it drive away visitors, it will also make genuinely interested visitors close the pop-up.
You must make sure your CTA is contextual and in the right place. In addition, you should ensure that your CTA is well placed visually.
There are numerous other aspects that also decide the effectiveness of your CTA but the 4 points above should help smooth out the process of converting your visitors to leads.